Sunday 1 March 2015


to all my Welsh friends and followers!
These two Welsh room boxes were made by me a few years ago. They are both 1/12th. scale. 

"NOSWAITH PRACTWS" - (Evening Practice").
In this room box I have made the dolls using Fimo modelling clay.  They have wire armature bodies.  I called the young girl "Gwenllian" and the male piano teacher doll, "Dafyd Jenkins".
I also made the piano and stool, using real wood, the leather music case on the floor, the mirror above the fireplace, the crystal chandelier, the crucifix and all the pictures and photos on the walls.
On the bottom half of the walls I glued a length of lace to give it an embossed-look, and painted it burgundy.
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"NOSWAITH PRACTWS" - ("Evening Practice")
I made this room box out of a wooden box from a Groceries shop.  I put a front on it, so now it looks like a small house.  I have called the writer ("Thomas Dylan" - a play on words).  I made him with Fimo modelling clay, and he has a wire armature body.  The room box is based on the life of Dylan Thomas, a famous Welsh poet and writer.  The books are all solid blocks of wood which I covered with scraps of thin leather and paper.  The door at the back is a false one, which I put in to give the room an illusion of space, and also to give the impression that there is another room behind the one you can see here.  I also made all the cardboard boxes which hold loads of sheets of paper which I have written on.  I did not make the chair, but I made the table using real wood.  The mat on the floor was made by cutting up an old garment, and I fray-checked it.  
(Based on the life of the late "Dylan Thomas").

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