BETTY GRABLE cut out paper doll set
Did YOU play with sets like these?
I was recently reminded about these paper doll sets. I spent many a happy hour dressing and undressing dolls like these. I remember putting on their school clothes, or party dresses, which ever I felt like at the time. The figures were stiffened card with a bending back tab enabling the "dolls" to stand. Their clothes were all put onto the dolls by using bend-over tabs. Not only their dresses, but gloves, hats and scarves etc. could also be put onto the dolls.This particular modern set dated 1994, was printed in Hong Kong and represents the legendary figure - Betty Grable who was a very well known star of the 1930's to '40's. She was in such films as "Pin Up Girl" and "Coney Island". She was very famous for her shapely legs and her bathing suit pictures made her a number one pin up girl of the World War two era. She was married to Jackie Coogan (1937 - '40) and to the band leader Harry James 1943 - '65).
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