
Tuesday, 20 September 2011


WELCOME to my two new followers - manhamana and Aniarozella.  I hope you will both continue to enjoy my site!

These last few weeks have been quite a busy time for me, following my recent newspaper article which I added onto my last Blog - 17th. August, 2011.
Following this I have shown a few of my dolls locally, and will be showing some more in November.  Thank you to all those very kind people who have sent me such lovely emails regarding the article!  I really appreciate it.

I have it on very good authority from a Greek lady viewer who has studied and worked as a Director and Costume Designer - (quote) "that the male costume of the Greek Islands is not called a "FUSTANELLA" but is a balloon kind of pants called "VRAKA".   The Evzonne costume was worn mainly in Central Greece (Sterea Ellada), and in the Peloponnese in the 19th. century.  (Thank you again to that kind viewer).

SHYRONE from the U.S.A. has sent me some further information about the Doll Maker - Baronne Sandra Belling.  I am very greatful to her and have added the information onto mine, on the Doll Maker page.  (Just click onto Doll Makers at the top, right hand side of this page).

After a break of two and a half years I have now started back onto making miniatures and I am enjoying it.  I have just started working on another roombox which hopefully will be finished shortly.  (Watch this space!)  In the meantime, below is a selection of 1/12th." scale dinners which I made a few years ago.  I came across them in one of my craft drawers so I have put them onto my website where there are also pictures of some cakes and un-cooked meats (under dioramas).
A selection of 1/12th." scale  dinners
Website Id:  (Dioramas)Wales - 0031
AND FINALLY  - - - - - - - MORE DOLLS!  For more information about the dolls, please see the website.

Website Id:  Asia - Malaysia - Borneo (Sarawak) - 005, 005A, 005B, 005C

SPAIN (Basque Region)
Website Id:  Europe - Spain - 0030

Website Id:  Europe - Bosnia - 002

Website Id:  Africa - Egypt - 006

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Saturday, 3 September 2011


Following my recent visit to Spain (BLOG dated 3rd. July, 2011), an article about my doll collection and my trip to Spain, has just been published in a local newspaper (instigated by a friend!)
As it is a rather large article, and I do not have a scanner, I have tried to photograph it to share it with you.  If you click on the pictures it should enlarge them and you will need to use the scroll bar accordingly.
My apologies for my lack of skill in the BLOG world!!  Carole.

The full article spanning two pages
The left hand side page
The right hand side page
Me with my Spanish Basque doll at the book launching in Spain

(There will be more dolls listed here shortly).
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